of Tamal Krishna

"Tamal Krishna Goswami" who was born Thomas
Herzig. An unknown. Picked off the street by a saint and nurtured by
his mercy. Now suspected of murder for gain. Ashes to ashes. Dust to the
monkey. We all know Herzig's a power-junkie. Soon, he'll be hanging out in hell
with an all time low.
The real catch is that Tamal has never been a devotee.
No. He joined Iskcon
after devotees found him hiding naked in the trees from where he used to spit
down on people passing by... He was Kirtanananda's butt-kisser and as such Tamal
always opposed and even obstructed Prabhupada. He tried to incorporate Iskcon,
he supported false sannyasa, he broke down Radha-Damodar preaching Festival, dragged
Bombay property case unlimitedly, made an horrible politics turmoil amongst US-temples,
associated with bogus Gaudiya Math, was rude to devotees, made some people leave
Iskcon and even commit suicide, etc, etc, so much so that Prabhupada ordered him
to go away, far away to China, but Tamal plainly refused this order...
"What was going on in 1977 and what's still goes on now is quite simple -
mundane asuric tactics for power-usurpation:
be close to a real teacher for some time to cheat him you're his sincere servant
(ie. infiltration), and at the right moment call the bonafide teacher bogus and
tear him down by all means, and then proclaim oneself a new teacher, and jump
into his seat before anyone else! The fastest runner is a winner! That's all seen
many times, and repeats again and again, same old scenario describing the atheism
and its affairs since time immemorial.
History shows clearly how Tamal was never a devotee,
what to speak of being a sincere SP' student who's ready to listen
to and carry on his Guru's orders... He never had genuine respect for his Guru,
because he wanted SP position in order to mispresent Vaishnavism and destroy SP
teachings and legacy. Tamal rather hated Prabhupada and all sincere Vaishnavas.
It appears this proud atheist was sent to Iskcon by someone, infiltrated to destroy
it, says logic when studied all historic facts... He was constantly under psychic
pressure of his crimes, and it's no wonder Tamal had unconsciously revealed his
real intentions many times in last 24 years, or his secrets had just leaked out
due testimonies of other devotees who knew him well...
After changing his 'official' statements for several dozen of times, from 1977-2002,
to confuse devotees and smokescreen and reinforce the cheap-looking GBC coverups,
Tamal alone creates his image
of an merciless dictator-like asura, a crazy guy who came into Iskcon, deceived
everyone, and made a career by beating his oponents on the way by rudest means,
all in order to gain a position which will ultimately enable him to remove Prabhupada,
and then unchallenged go on with damaging SP' legacy and books all the way to
the present days... It's ain't a paranoia that many devotees are convinced Tamal
was sent to sabotage SP Mission... So, does such moron called tama-l (tama=darkness)
deserve a mercy of being forgiven and down-promoted to the temple toilet-cleaner,
as to atone for his blunders? No. Rather, he should leave his body being locked
behind the bars, somewhere in the jail for murderers, where he really belongs
to... And, this probably will happen to him, since 3 best devotee-lawyers
are busy right now preparing the powerful case which is going to put rascal named
Tamal behind the bars 'till the rest of his present lifetime, (at least)... Thenafter,
Sri Yamaraja will receive him for a further treatment...
Whether we are right or wrong with our assessment, Herzig is definitely wrong.
In the end, his idiosyncrasy for substitution, may have carried all the way to
gurudom. Now he feels mentally assured in his role as a substitute for His Divine
For those unaware of Herzig's position within the Hare Krsna Society (ISKCON):
He is currently a sect endorsed 'guru'. His ascension to this position has
no precedence in Vedic law. Traditionally, devotees are trained continuously
for twenty-five years before being considered instructors (what to speak
of accepting disciples). Here are Srila Prabhupada's credentials :- Srila
Prabhupada: "Oh Yes, my father trained me from
childhood, yes. And then I met my spiritual master in 1922. In India 80 to 90%
people are Krishna Conscious by family-wise. You see? So we were trained up from
the beginning of our life." (Conversations, 681230 iu. la) And here
are Herzig's credentials:- Srila Prabhupada: "I
could understand you had no family love, anything. "
(TKG's Diary. Page 75).
After only ten years of sporadic association with its founder,
Herzig claimed (subsequent to the founder's demise) that
along with ten others who had been appointed as representatives by the late
acarya, were now
acaryas themselves.
what he wrote:"But when the guru departs, sadhu and sastra can take
on a new import, as those who succeed him become the new interpreters of past
precedents, scriptural law, and the new set of circumstance." (A
Hare Krsna at Southern Methodist University (HKSMU) : 297. A book by Tamal
Krishna (Herzig)). The others quickly agreed. However, it didn't
quite work out. The representatives who claimed acarya/guru status proved
to be gangsters and whoremongers:-
"Jayatirtha das was
found to be taking LSD and was guilty of sexual transgressions. Hamsadutta Swami,
in a much publicised case, was discovered amassing weapons, and was also found
to be sexually promiscuous . (HKSMU: 305)
Not long after, others were exposed for murder, paedophilia, and fornicating
with the wives of their disciples. Instead of trying to save the society
by reverting to the status designated by the acarya :-
Srila Prabhupada:- "These
eleven devotees are called "ritvik"--representatives of the acarya."(TKG's
Diary: 112) Herzig attempted to grab the lot:-"Tamal
Krishna Goswami,the leader of a large number of sannyasi and brahmacari preachers,
had insisted that he was now their via media in relatingto Prabhupada and expected
that his godbrothersfollow him absolutely."(HKSMU:
Now only four of the eleven appointed representatives
remain. Of these, three are in limbo. More devotees live in exile than within
ISKCON . And what remains of the society is being cannibalised by others
who also fly the guru kite. While ISKCON burns, Herzig fiddles:- "Indeed.
Lord Caitanya had given an open order for all to "become a spiritual master and
try to liberate everyone in this land." But a succession of 'all'
is a succession of none."(HKSMU: 289).
Here's what Srila Prabhupada told Herzig only eighteen weeks before his
passing: Herzig:"I
told Prabhupada we had a meeting to further relieve him. But he was not impressed
at all and said, "Problem is there
is no brain." (TKG' Diary: 54).
Devotees witnessed as Herzig's 'appointed gurus' began to retrogress.
Quickly brushing aside the 'anointed-appointed' concoction, Herzig replaced
the fallen, with voices from his own encomium choir. The "New Zonal
Acarya System" was born. It wasn't long before the 'Zonies' went twilight.
Practicing celibates, went hardcore libido. To render this recurring danda
problem impotent, Herzig created a hot-dog version of Vaisnavism: "The
Multi-Guru-System" or "Gurus Inc" ; a virtual assembly-line of made-in-ISKCON
gurus. The program now provides endless Fagans for ISKCON's unsuspecting
Twists. But more importantly for Herzig, it further obfuscates the murder
investigation by providing propaganda, allegiance, and bullet-proof
protection via grateful 'gurus' who are all prot'eg'e party-liners.
It seemed unbelievable that His Divine Grace, an empire builder,
had left ISKCON without a mandate, and to a pod of resuscitated hippies led
by Herzig. When crisis followed calamity, it became painfully obvious to
all involved, the group were flying by the seat of their saffrons. Then, as
if by divine decree, poison whispers were discovered on the 'Conversation Tapes'
(and forensically verified). This led to the analysis and confirmation (by
forensics) of arsenic in Prabhupada's hair-clippings (twenty times higher
than average). Later it was discovered; the Will (which gave clue to motive) had
been hidden, the "Final Order" had been smoke screened, and important
audio tapes (which quite possibly contained vital dictates from His
Divine Grace) had gone missing. Eye witnesses saw Herzig alone at the tape
cupboard immediately after Prabhupada's passing. He was the 'secretary' and key-holder
to all information.
The question most asked in connection with the demise of Srila Prabhupada
is: "Why would anyone want to murder an elderly person affected by an advanced disease?"
The answer to this question is incomprehensible for those disinterested
in absolute power. Yet, if we understand that our own existence in the material
world is due to envy of God's supreme position, then we can appreciate how envy
of His Divine Grace wasn't much different. Furthermore, when we are made
aware that Prabhupada wanted representatives not inheritors,
and that he was making these thoughts known only shortly before his
passing; murder becomes a reality.
The "inheritors" were expectant of the whole package. They wanted to be accepted
on par with Prabhupada after his death. To be perceived to be as good-as-god.
They wanted total control over the lives of others, just as they had given
His Divine Grace control over them. It was tradition. It was parampara.
It was their initiated right. But Srila Prabhupada had other plans. He wanted
to do what his Guru before him had done; in that a body of commissioners would
take care of what he had already put in place. No single person was to be acarya.
And it was okay with Herzig, he could deal with that problem later
(and he tried; read (9)* below). But when Prabhupada wanted disciples
initiated on his behalf even after he was gone, it was too
much. He had to be stopped and all information relating to the dictate erased,
or the inheritance would go.... 'up-the Ganga'. There never was a more temperate
incubator to hatch a homicide.
Those who know Herzig, know that he is freakishly power-hungry. So
overwhelmed is he by a lust for power, that even he cannot contain it. No sooner
had His Divine Grace been entombed than Herzig began to pump out patrimony
propaganda. We have listed some of the claims and contradictions below
(Note: The authenticity of the quotes ascribed to Prabhupada cannot
be validated. They are all taken from Herzig's publications):-
> klick here for the complete BIF-Report on TKG